Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Lovey, Sweetness: A Night With You

A night with you (i drew this for you love,i hope you like it~ I think) (it goes with our peom!)

I wait a while the phone rings,
Filled with joy my heart sings.
I talk to you filled with glee,
Because it's you i soon will see.
A short drive against the wait,
It's you I see beside the gait.
I begin to blush, you merely laugh,
for we stand together at last.

We walk around, it begins to rain,
You gently smile knowing
we're free of all pain.
We hold hands and we see
A cemetary locked with a key.
You convince me to go with you,
because for my love i will be true.
We go in and see some graves,
By now you know that my heart raves.

Filled with fear, I grip tight,
Making sure I'm in your sight.
Tears stream down, I am afraid,
You hold me close You whisper my name.
Fog is around us, as our hearts race,
then you begin to gaze at my face.

It's you i see, you pull me closer,
I blush again, this time my heart races
As we stare onto eachothers faces.
You sweep my hair behind my ear,
so its only you i hear.
I glance away, but you dont sway.
You kiss me now as the sun fades.
We close our eyes as our lips touch,

I begin to feel your warm hands touch.
Your arms around me, as mine are yours
Our lips dont budge from moments on.
You step closer, and i hold you tight,
we stillkiss our first kiss through the night.
The moon rises high, we still kiss,
I then slip and fall,

however we dont stop the kissing at all.

You bite me gently, i dont fuss,
being with you is more than enough.
Now on the ground, you lay beside me,
We gaze in eachothers eyes,
within them there are no lies to see.

The rain subsides, you pick me up,
now covered in raindrops, We hurry up.
The run to your house isnt very long,
but i could spend an eternity with you,
or just all night long.
We fall again, or stop I'm not sure.
You tell me you love me on the river line.
I now feel safe in your arms,
because you are mine.

This night with you was so beautifal.
This night with you is near indescribable.
I wish this night would never end,
but sadly At some point the moon will decend,
to assure our night is complete.
However i am not shaken nor feel defaet.
just to let you know i love you too
This i hope you know, for i will NEVER forget,
That first kiss glow!

~WEll that is my peom i wrote every word on my own just for you please dont think i am obsessed for doing this, I love you bunches and want you to know, and this seemed like a good way for me to show you how i feel, i need to stop rhyming now its getting creepy, nevermind i should go to bed because i am really sleepy!

by~ Cheyenne Allison` contributor~ Berret Elrod 2010 © Hinata Flix/ Sazuna Studios

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